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Showing posts from October, 2011


Banyak orang yang mempertanyakan perbandingan antara processor produk Intel dan AMD.. Ini saya paparkan beberapa keunggulan dari Intel dan AMD. Produk-produk yang di luncurkan oleh Intel dan AMD   KEUNGGULAN INTEL Memiliki varian-varian dengan performa paling kencang, bahkan belum ada prosesor AMD yg bisa jd tandingannya pd range hrg >2jt (tepatnya AMD emg ga punya prosesor dgn hrg >2jt).  Pemakain nya pun sangat stabil bila di pakai untuk keperluan aplikasi berat dan multi tasking Range varian dan harga paling banyak Konsumsi daya kecil dengan performa tinggi sangat cocok untuk data dan pemrograman Rasio Clock/performance paling baik   Peformanya lebih baik dari AMD dalam hal aplikasi multimedia. KEKURANGAN INTEL Harganya mahal Banyaknya varian/model bisa bikin bingung untuk memilihnya Varian tertinggi (Extreme Edition) sangat mahal Harga satu platform (prosesor+mobo+RAM) yang tinggi. KEUNGGULAN AMD(Advanced Micro Device) Harga murah, dengan p

windows 8

Windows 8 is the next version of Microsoft Windows , a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers , including home and business desktops , laptops , netbooks , tablet PCs , servers , and media center PCs . [ 3 ] It adds support for ARM microprocessors in addition to the traditional x86 microprocessors from Intel and AMD . Its user interface has been changed to make it better suited for touchscreen input in addition to the traditional mouse, keyboard, and pen input. Microsoft has not yet announced a ship date for Windows 8, although some major media outlets speculate it might be available in late 2012. Early Announcements In January 2011, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Microsoft announced that Windows 8 would be adding support for ARM microprocessors in addition to the traditional x86 microprocessors from Intel and AMD . Milestone leaks A 32-bit Milestone 1 build, build 7850, with a build date of September 22,